North Carolina Locksmith Licensing Board

Board Orders

The orders here are disciplinary and non-disciplinary.

Disciplinary actions include revocation or  suspension, as well as actions against a licensee that do not limit their ability to practice such as reprimands or admonitions.

Please consult with the Board office ([email protected]) if you are checking on the current status of a licensee who has received a temporary disciplinary action.

Cohen, Kfir – 18 Month Suspension, Stayed, incl. Additional Terms (11/11/2024)

Dumont, Jack – 6 Month Probation (4/5/2019)

Hinga, Maor – 3 Year Suspension, Stayed (1/3/2024)

Lancaster, Charles – 1 Year Probation (9/10/2019)

Lankry, David – 1 Year Suspension, Stayed, incl. Additional Terms (11/13/2024)

Solomon, OrRevocation (3/5/2025)